Chat with world-class Direct Mail Marketing people in a casual give-and-take zoom.
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Wisconsin Direct Marketing Association
Chat with world-class Direct Mail Marketing people in a casual give-and-take zoom.
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Discover how Direct MAIL solves the age old issue of cause & effect in Marketing vs Sales. Use MAIL as your on-going laboratory… even if you’re are a digitally driven marketing culture.
How can you Bounce Back? Machine Learning can ignite customer profit, growth and insight. But 85% of AI projects fail to deliver ROI. Worse if tomorrow looks NOTHING like yesterday. Discover a risk-free way you can guarantee AI ROI in 90 DAYS! Customer Predictive Modeling case studies, breakthroughs and head-to-head tests.
This may be the most important webinar you can attend in the next year.
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Check the venue for 5 streaming options – I watch Periscope but you can pick the one that works best for you…
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I still get a lot of sneers if I bring up the idea of direct mail to a client.
Comments range from “Does anybody still read that stuff?” to “Aren’t postage rates outrageous?” The simple answers are “yes” and “no.”
Let’s start with a few statistical facts (courtesy of the USPS Household Diary Study):
I know the argument: Yes, but I’m exposing my digital banner message to millions of targets and it doesn’t cost me the same as direct mail does.
Continue reading “Is It Old Fashioned if It Still Works? Carolyn Goodman”